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Cruising in the Carpool Lane

Posted on Monday, November 29, 2023 at 2:02 PM 2 Comments

There is nothing worse than sitting in traffic and seeing cars zip past you in the carpool lane. In this situation, some folks have been known to become… resourceful.

“Would my dog qualify as a second rider?”

“If I got some kind of mannequin with a wig on it to sit in the front seat, would it fool a CHP officer?”

Understandably, the surge in hybrid sales, especially in California, was fueled in part by the state’s “yellow sticker” program which has provided thousands of hybrid drivers with unrestricted access to the HOV lane for years. After all, what is more valuable than time… and reductions in stress… and less accidents… and making it on time to work every day? But with even more efficient vehicles like the CODA set to hit the streets in months, the yellow sticker program will expire on July 1, 2011.

However, those of us with an electric car – or planning to purchase an electric car – can sit back and enjoy life in the fast lane. In July, Governor Schwarzenegger signed AB 1500 into law. This law extends the “white sticker” HOV program to January 1, 2015. Owners of “Federal Inherently Low Emission Vehicles” (100% electric, fuel cell or natural gas) like the CODA can cruise in the carpool lane at all times, for another four years.

So long gas guzzlers! Hello HOV!



I bought a Hybrid Prius in 2007 and they told me that I could not get the yellow sticker to ride in the HOV lane as they had given out too many! What is the truth here?

Posted by Sondra Washam on December 4, 2023 at 7:38 pm

I have a 2003 Honda Civic hybrid. Do I qualify for the privilege of unlimited access to the carpool lane and the white sticker that is referred to in this email article?

Posted by Barbara on December 13, 2023 at 1:06 pm


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