range anxiety

What If I Don’t Charge Up?

With so much buzz about electric cars being the future of the auto industry, there is a concern among consumers about how electric cars operate and what habits, if any, drivers will need to change when they make the switch to electric motoring. One common question we are asked is, “What if I forget to [...] read more +

Time to diversify your garage

With all of this talk about range anxiety, its completely understandable that people are a little stressed out just thinking about replacing their familiar gas guzzlers with an emissions free electric car. We get it. It’s new and it’s unfamiliar. So there’s a lot to think through, but that doesn’t mean you should discount them so [...] read more +

First range anxiety, now charge anxiety?

There’s a lot of buzz following the Business of Plugging In conference in Detroit about mass adoption of electric cars and the impact it will have on the grid. On a panel, Chairman of Edison Electric Institute Anthony Earley said, “The beauty of electricity is it’s already there … So we’ve kind of got a jump-start” [...] read more +

Truth in range: How far can I really go?

Expected miles per charge (range) is one of the most common, complex and deceptive issues related to the EV category. Range anxiety could drastically affect the success of electric cars, and unfortunately some companies in the industry may just making the problem worse. If companies continue to communicate the best case range rather than a [...] read more +